CBMI2024 will be hosted by Reykjavik University (RU). RU has seven departments, organised under the School of Technology and the School of Social Sciences. About 3500 students attend the various departments and over RU has over 500 staff.

The university moved into a new building in 2010 after years of operating in multiple buildings. The new building is at Menntavegur 1 (translates to Education-road 1). The main building is near the city centre and sits next to the domestic airport, just below one of Reykjavik’s Landmarks, Perlan, and just next to Nauthólsvík, Icelands’s only heated beach.
Yes, you read that right, Icelanders are so desperate to escape the cold weather they created an artificial warm lagoon (38.5°C) with white sand brought in regularly.

The conference main auditorium will be in Nauthóll. A few sessions will however be hosted in the main university building. The Music meets Science cultural event is hosted in room V101, starting at 15:00 on day 1 of the conference. The poster and demonstrations session, starting at 16:00 on day 1, as well as the IVAR4B special session, starting at 17:45 on day 1, will be held in the Sun (university’s’ foyer as is seen in right most image above). Information on how to navigate to RU can be found here and the RU website also has a map of the building here.