Paper Submission Guidelines

The CBMI 2024 conference accepts 4 types of contributions:

  1. Full Regular Papers, describing novel ideas and results that are relevant to the conference topics.
  2. Short Regular Papers, describing novel ideas and results that are relevant to the conference topics.
  3. Special Session Papers, describing novel ideas and results that must be relevant to one of our advertised special sessions.
  4. Demonstration Proposals, giving an overview of new and interesting software, method or experience that can be demonstrated on-site and are relevant to the conference topics.

Paper Formatting Instructions

The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE. All submitted papers must conform to the IEEE manuscript templates for conference proceedings and the instructions it provides. On the IEEE website you will find both instructions and templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX, as well as an Overleaf link.

Submissions must strictly obey the following page limits, where the main body of the submission includes all figures, tables and appendices, while one additional page is provided for references:

  • Full Regular Papers can be a maximum of 6 pages + 2 pages for references
  • Short Regular Papers can be a maximum of 4 pages + 2 pages for references
  • Special Session Papers can be a maximum of 6 pages + 2 pages for references
  • Demonstration Proposals must not exceed 4 pages + 2 pages of references.

Authors of high-quality papers accepted to the conference may be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a special journal issue in MTAP.

Additional information for demonstration proposals: Additional 1-2 pages must accompany demonstration proposals where the authors outline how they envision conducting the demonstration on-site. Note that the additional pages will not be published as they are meant to give reviewers and on-site organisers detailed information. Included should be details on any accommodation, equipment or service needed on-site. The organisers will do their best to facilitate demonstrations (providing power outlets, wifi, furniture etc.) but the presenters are expected to bring the necessary equipment (computers, etc.) themselves. Finally, we recommend, if possible, that authors include a link to a short video that shows the demonstration in action.

Author Information

CBMI 2024 will be an on-site event. Each contribution (regular, special session or demonstration proposal) must be associated with one full conference registration and at least one author is expected to present their work on-site, during the conference.

Note that the author lists must be finalised during the submission process as we will not accept any changes nor additions to the author list after the initial submission deadline.

Paper Submission

Once ready (correctly formatted, within the page limit and with the correct author information), papers are to be submitted using ConfTool using the following link:


Reviewer Guidelines

As part of our commitment to advancing research in the field of Content Analysis and Indexing, we present these review guidelines to support the integrity, quality, and diversity of our conference contributions. We aim to foster a constructive, inclusive, and rigorous academic dialogue, enabling authors to benefit from the review process, regardless of the outcome. We encourage reviews that are honest, constructive, and reflective of the standards one would expect for their work.

General Manners and Review Ethics

  • Constructive Feedback: Ensure your reviews are constructive and helpful, offering clear guidance to authors on how to improve their work, even if recommending rejection.
  • Scope of Research: Acknowledge the diversity within our research community. Submissions need not solely focus on AI applications in multimedia data but can encompass a broad range of topics within multimedia analytics and indexing.
  • Anonymity and Excellence: While reviews are anonymous, strive to produce reviews that reflect your professionalism and dedication to the field.

General Assessment Guidelines

  • Major vs. Minor Corrections: Trust authors to correct minor errors for the camera-ready version. Major flaws necessitate rejection due to the inability to verify corrections post-review.
  • Topical Alignment: Verify that submissions align with the conference themes as outlined in the Call for Papers of CBMI, utilizing your judgment and the collective wisdom of your peers.
  • Enriching Diversity: Encourage submissions across the broad spectrum of multimedia analytics and indexing to enrich our conference’s diversity.
  • Paper, Not Authors: Focus critiques on the content of the submission, avoiding direct address to maintain a professional tone.
  • Statement of Novelty: Highlight the submission’s contribution and its significance to the multimedia research community, assessing the thoroughness of related work discussion.
  • Scientific Rigour: Evaluate the design and execution of experiments, their reproducibility, and whether they support the paper’s claims. Encourage the sharing of resources like datasets or code.

References to State of the Art

  • State of the Art Comparison: Criticize constructively, specifying which works should have been considered and the reasons for their relevance.
  • Citing Sources: Avoid vague criticisms. Provide specific citations and examples to substantiate claims of well-known information or missing references.
  • Self-reference: Only in rare instances should reviewers cite their own work as essential references, ensuring objectivity and relevance.

Policy on Preprint Platforms (e.g., arXiv)

  • Preprint Submissions: Submissions available on platforms like arXiv are acceptable, provided they haven’t been peer-reviewed or published elsewhere.
  • Citing arXiv Papers: Please do not insist on citing or comparing with works solely published on arXiv due to their non-peer-reviewed status.
  • FYI Citations: You may inform authors of relevant arXiv papers as additional information, clarifying that these are not considered missing related work.


Final Version Submission Guidelines

The deadline for final version upload and author registration is July 22, 2024.  

When preparing the final version, please take care to address the reviewers’ comments. While the submission title may change, based on reviews, author information must remain unchanged. Also, keep in mind the paper length requirements, which are unchanged: Regular and Special Session papers must not exceed 6 pages, plus up to 2 pages for references, while Demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages, plus up to 2 pages for references.

Note that the final version should not contain any information related to the conference or copyright. IEEE will dynamically add this information when it delivers the PDF from the Xplore digital library to readers.

Once your final version is ready, you must take the following steps. If you run into any trouble, please contact for help.

1. Submit the Copyright Form

Authors need to fill in an electronic copyright form for IEEE.  This form is available via Conftool to the submitting author of the accepted paper, as shown below. 

Note that the copyright form can only be submitted once and according to IEEE there is no process to change the copyright form.

2. Check PDF Compliance

Authors must use the IEEE PDF eXpress site to check their PDFs for compliance with IEEE requirements.

To do so you must create a PDF eXpress account, by visiting and selecting “create account”, see below.  Enter “62980X” for the Conference ID, your email address and a password, and your account will be created. An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup. Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences.

Once you have entered the PDF eXpress system, you can hit “CREATE NEW TITLE” to check a new paper.  If your PDF fails the test, you can fix it and try again, up to 10 times for the same paper. (It is possible to get additional tries, should that be necessary, but please avoid this scenario.)

Once your paper passes, please:
(a) approve the paper in the PDF eXpress system, and 
(b) download the resulting PDF to upload to Conftool in the next step.

3. Upload Final Version

Once your PDF is ready and compliant with IEEE requirements, you should upload the PDF file to the Conftool submission site, as shown below.  No additional files are needed.

4. Register for the Conference

Accompanying each paper must be one full-price (regular) conference registration. Please refer to for details.



Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations

Each regular session presentation will be allocated 15 minutes, 12 for presenting the work and a further 3 for questions and comments.
If you are one of the few nominated for our best paper award you will be granted a little bit more time. Each best paper session presentation will be allocated 20 minutes, 15 for presenting the work and 5 minutes for questions and comments.

At CBMI 2024 we are proud of our special sessions, all 8 of them. The format used in the special session does however vary between sessions.

  • The systems in the IVR4B special session will be presented in the demonstration session. Then they will be showcased as demos in a “mock” video retrieval competition for novice users that takes place with the reception at the end of day 1. IVR4B is thus an experience for all our attendees.
  • The MAS4DT and MIDRA special sessions will be run along side the poster session, in specially marked locations.
  • Three special sessions, MmIXR, CB4AMAS & UHBER, will be organized as discussion panels where authors are only given a short amount of time to formally present their work, focusing the bulk of the time on having interesting and hopefully informative discussions. The details of how each panel discussion will be conducted has been left up to the organizers of the session and thus we direct further inquires on the format to them.
  • The remaining two special sessions, ExMA and AIMHDA, will have oral presentations following a similar format as our regular session presentations, namely 13 minutes per paper, where 10 are allocated for presenting your work and 3 are intended for questions and comments.

Detailed information and contact information for each special session can be found here.

Poster session presentations

At CBMI we will be using mobile poster boards that are of a fixed size. The boards will be placed in an open space (i.e., no walls near by) and thus we have limited space. Thus, posters should be in PORTRAIT and be NO LARGER than A1 (594×841 mm or 23.4×33.1 inches).
If you need any furniture, such as table(s), chair(s), high table etc. you must let us know well in advance and we will try to accommodate such requests if we possibly can.
For any such requests please send an email to

General advice

Regardless of format we strongly encourage you to prepare your presentation well and not to forget to put in a rehearsal (or two). Yes, this means you really should not be finishing your supporting material on the day of the presentation.
Following are a few (but not exhausting) guidelines that we recommend following during your preparation for CBMI 2024:

  • Keep the presentation simple, short and to the point.
    Also keep in mind that you are NOT here to present ALL of your work but rather your goal is to get the audience interested in reading all about it in your paper.
  • The on-site projector will never be as good as your computer screen.
    Keep this in mind when:
    • You pick the font size and the amount of text you put on each slide.
    • You pick the colours in your graphs and charts.
  • Presenting is all about keeping the attention of the audience.
    Complex supporting material can create a competition for the attention between it and your oral presentation. Consider the following when preparing your presentation:
    • Keep the supporting material simple and do not show too much on each slide.
    • Avoid long text / sentences as people cannot read and listen at the same time.
    • If complex slides cannot be avoided, take a strategic sip of water at the start of the slide, giving the audience a chance to read it before you continue presenting.
    • Always take a second or two and explain what is plotted and how (graphs, charts, etc). This includes explaining the axes and whether high or low values are good or bad.

Finally, do not forget to enjoy the moment. We wish you good fortune in both preparing & presenting and hope you have a pleasant experience at CBMI 2024.