We are proud to announce that Dr. Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson has accepted to be one of the keynote speakers at CBMI 2024. He will give a keynote titled “Being Multimodal: What Building Virtual Humans has Taught us about Multimodality“.

In his talk he will describe his work with Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) and his work in making them have human-like traits when interacting with the virtual world around them. Hannes has been on the staff of Reykjavik University since 2006, full professor since 2020. Hannes was the director of CADIA (Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents) between 2013 and 2016. Currently he is leading the Socially Expressive Computing group (that is part of CADIA).

For full details of his keynote and a much more detailed bio please see the keynote page.

Categories: Announcements